Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings on the opening of the 8th International Conference, Problems of Human Rights Protection: Exchange of Best Practices among Ombudspersons

The message reads, in part:
“The conference has been enjoying growing recognition
and authority within the international human rights community. This year, it has
reached an all-time high in terms of the number of participants, including national
ombudspersons, government officials, members of parliament, scholars and experts from some fifty countries, as well
as delegates representing several international organisations.
The conference will focus on ensuring human
rights in the healthcare sector, which has become an increasingly important
domain, considering the long COVID pandemic and the outbreaks of other
dangerous infectious diseases around the world. We must exchange our best
legislative and hands-on practices and discuss ways to improve norms,
regulations and mechanisms to enable our people to receive timely and quality
medical care, as well as promote healthy lifestyles.
I wish you constructive and meaningful discussions,
and hope that the ideas and initiatives you put forward are made a reality for the benefit of our nations and their people.”
